We are pleased to announce the release of S-Drill 1.2.1
New Features
ASCII Importer
Import columnar data from clipboard or ascii file (.csv, .las, .txt, .asc) into Surveys, Geology and Logs. The importer allows the user to quickly and easily maps columns and units to the data. It is possible to save an import template for re-use for complex files.
Log Data Analysis Tools
Cross Plot
Plot any log curve against another. Optionally colour the values by a 3rd parameter. Perform basic regression on the data (liner, polynomial, exponential, log). Perform clustering of data using k-means algorithm, including by a 3rd parameter.

Perform statistical analysis of log curve data. Plot a customisable histogram with associated statistics. Link the histogram to the Cross Plot to show distributions of both x and y data.

Heat Map
Plot any log curve against another and create a 'Heat Map' of a summarised 3rd parameter. Choose from Min, Max and Average values with a maximum of 100 x 100 sample intervals.

Additional Features
Import & Export Assemblies between Wells
Item count added to Assembly schematic
Maximum Allowable Spacing calculated in Centraliser Placement
Minimum Cuttings Transport Flow Rate added to Simulation results
Improved Agitator friction modelling
Set packer analysis in Simulation
Workover & Completion assemblies now use cased hole in Simulation
Accessory pressure losses added to Hydraulics results
TFA added to Casing Shoe items
Contact sales@srv-veritas.com to arrange a demonstration and free trial.